The event, held at the Turkmenistan Academy of Sciences and dedicated to the Day of Science, our country has presented the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.
The event, along with Azerbaijan, attended by prominent scientists from 14 countries - the US, Russia, Japan, Spain, India, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia.
First, the guests got acquainted with the work of the scientific-production associations, established in the Techno-park Town of the Turkmenistan Academy of Sciences, as well as exhibitions that reflect the latest scientific achievements of the country.
The assembly hall in the town of Techno-park of the Academy hosted an international scientific conference "Science, engineering and innovative technologies in the heyday and development."
At the plenary session, which was chaired by President of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, corresponding member Marat Ashirbayev were delivered reports scientists and science organizers, representing 8 countries.
At the event also Academician Isa Habibbeyli was delivered paper on "Azerbaijani-Turkmen literary connections".
In addition, the Institute of Manuscripts of the Turkmenistan Academy of Sciences held a meeting with members of research institutes of the Department of Humanities of this structure.
At the meeting, ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami presented "Divan" by great classic of Turkmen literature Makhtumkuli Fraghi published by the initiative of Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.
It was noted that, the unique instances of "Divan" by Makhtumkuli Fraghi, published in 1914 in Bukhara by the method of engraving on stone, were discovered by Azerbaijani scientists in the course of investigations in the collection of the Institute of Manuscripts in Baku.
In "Divan" there are unknown verses and fragments which aren't included still in Makhtumkuli Fraghi's collection. The Baku copy of the "Divan" was prepared for publication as a joint project of scientific cooperation between scientists of ANAS Institute of Literature with the staff of the Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
It was noted that, a copy of Baku "Divan" Academician Isa Habibbeyli wrote a preface titled "Makhtumkuli Fraghi and Azerbaijani literature". Speaking at the presentation, Academician Isa Habibbeyli talking about the literary and historical significance of the Baku copy of "Divan" by outstanding Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli Fraghi called it a joint publication of the remarkable event the period of independence of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan relations having centuries-old traditions.
Spoke at the event Director of the Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, corresponding member Annagurban Ashirov, director of the Institute of Language and Literature, Professor Gizilgul Kiyasova and others expressed their opinions in connection with the publication of Baku "Divan" by Makhtumkuli Fraghi.
Unique "Divan" by outstanding Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli Fraghi published by the Institute of Literature of ANAS was presented to the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan by Central Scientific Library.
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