Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.07.2016 21:36
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Participants of the International Conference familiarized with the historical monuments of Nakhchivan

Participants of the International Conference familiarized with the historical monuments of Nakhchivan

Participants of the International Conference " Nakhchivan castles: history and today", held at the University of "Nakhchivan" familiarized with grand historical monuments of the autonomous republic.

First, the event participants toured the area and visited Shahbuz Lake Batabat of Nakhchivan and a number of historic castles located here. The great interest of the guests aroused the reconstruction, improvement and creation, conducted in the district, national and modern architectural buildings, shopping centers and squares in the old style.

Along with the purpose of defense, the fortress also turned into an essential element of early urban culture formed here. In 2010, after the restoration of Nahchyvangale was returned to former appearance.

Historical and architectural museum complex "Nahchyvangala" was established according to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov of 5 June 2013 with a view to ensuring the protection of the ancient historical and cultural heritage of Nakhchivan.

In the museum demonstrates various household items belonging to the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age pottery, copper tools, tombstones, weapons belonging to V-III thousand BC.

Participants of the international conference were also familiarized with the museum and historical monument "Alinja Gala." It was noted that, the building of the museum consists of two operating rooms and a hall of exposure.

The exhibition hall of the samples of material culture demonstrates, in particular, old household items, reflecting the lifestyle of people living in Alinja-Gal discovered during archaeological excavations material samples, books about the history of Nakhchivan and Alinjagala, news stories, castle pictures before, during, and after reconstruction.

Next, the guests visited to the mausoleum of Gulustan. It was noted that, a recently renovated mausoleum of Gulustan is one of the most important cultural monuments in the world. Distinguished by its architectural-constructive structure from other mausoleums, mausoleum Gulustan occupies a peculiar place among the medieval buildings of Azerbaijan.

The archaeological materials, in particular ceramics and samples of the remains of buildings found in the monuments located around the mausoleum of Gulustan, play an important role both in terms of determining the history of the settlement and the wider research in connection with the mausoleum.

Taking into account the historical and cultural values of the territory of the location of the mausoleum of Cultural and Historical Reserve "Gulustan" has been created here. Around the building were carried out work on landscaping and gardening, as well as office buildings were built for the workers.

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