Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Reissued textbook "Methods of teaching mathematics, based on the curriculum model in secondary schools"
08.08.2016 13:04
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Reissued textbook "Methods of teaching mathematics, based on the curriculum model in secondary schools"

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS republished textbook "Methods of teaching mathematics, based on the curriculum model in secondary schools."

In the manual, the author of which is the employee of Sheki Regional Scientific Center, Professor Firadun Ibrahimov, based on the achievements of modern scientific and pedagogical experience, provides a detailed analysis of the subject matter and methods of study of mathematics as a sphere of pedagogy, the purpose, content and objectives as the subject content of mathematics in secondary schools, instructional strategies, mathematical elements and their features, the philosophy of implementing content standards by the example of V-VIII classes of secondary schools.

Scientific editor is Doctor of Education, Professor Azadkhan Adigozalov, reviewers - Professor Seyidaga Hamidov and Doctor of Mathematical Sciences Rafig Rasulov.

Textbook is intended for students majoring in "teacher of mathematics" and "Teacher of Mathematics and Informatics", students in higher education with the pedagogical bias, as well as mathematics teachers, masters and doctoral students.

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