Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


“The Law of Science” as a means of privileges and responsibility
11.08.2016 10:06
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“The Law of Science” as a means of privileges and responsibility

The development of science in Azerbaijan is always the center of attention. The development of science closely connected with the country's socio-economic and cultural development. Founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev, science and education policy is being continued by President Ilham Aliyev with great success and new shades.

At the new phase of socio-economic development, the President Ilham Aliyev sees the way of providing country's intellectual progress in development of science and education fields, bringing them to the level of modern requirements and the proper use of scientists’ great potential in these processes.

Regarding the role and significance of scientific-technical progress as a serious factor in a modern era by President Ilham Aliyev has made a number of important decisions on development of science, preservation and modernization of scientific-technical potential, training of highly qualified personnel in science and education, always take care of them, raising the prestige of the scientists, educational staff, recognizing in abroad scientific results obtained in Azerbaijan and promotion and modernization of research infrastructure in recent years.

In latest years, the President signed a lot of decrees and orders aimed at development of science, and complex resolving of t hese issues, approved state programs. Following orders should be highlighted in this respect; "National Strategy for the development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015" by President Ilham Aliyev, dated May 4, 2009, and "The approval of State Program on the implementation of the National Strategy for development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015” dated May 22, 2009, "On the approval of State Program on reforms in higher educational system of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2013”.

President Ilham Aliyev signed Decree on application of the Law of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 14, 2006 No.271-VQ. This law, which has already entered in force, conducts the basic principles of the state policy in organization, management and development of scientific activities in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including goals of science and scientific innovation, rights and objectives of the subjects of scientific activities, organizational and legal basis of science funding mechanisms, and promotion and use of scientific advances.

Being an organizational and legal basis of the regulation of relations in the field of science, the Law has been discussed at various levels, comments and suggestions of scientists and public officials in charge, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and other institutions were taken into account, unlike the initial version, has become a perfect document after sufficient improvement. In this case, efforts by Chairman of Science and Education Committee of Milli Majlis Academician Isa Habibbayli should be emphasized. I am pleased to report that the Science Development Fund took an active part in these discussions and the rational proposals were taken into account.

Creating conditions for the improvement of the science infrastructure the Law provides the usage of benefits and privileges within the law during reinforcing of material-technical base.

It should be noted that, Law which is based on humanitarian factor mainstreams scientific creativity and research freedom as a leading principle of state policy. Unity of science, education and economy, scientific innovation, scientific innovation subjects have been reflected in the Law as a priority.

Opportunities for the promotion of social protection of scientific workers and their material incentives for scientific activities to be kept by law, will increase transparency and public access to research results, while the integration of science to social life will create the conditions attached to further increase of scientific workers’ prestige. The law, which provides for the integration into the world science, will pave the way for promotion of scientific results of Azerbaijan, and to establish new scientific ties.

Reflection of the main priorities of the state policy in the Law will be a landmark in choice of projects for a grant funding and defining the priority areas.

The Law guarantees the protection of intellectual property rights and scientific ethics so it increases the significance and prestige of the document and defines the responsibility. Systematization and specification of the scientific activity, subjects, defining the duties and rights ekliminates the deficit in a informative, terminology and legal destination (function) and shifts the Law into a unificated source.

The law provides for the preparation of highly qualified personnel, personnel certification, and assessment activities; taking into account international standards, with the aim of coordinating research activities specifically defines the tasks of the respective council.

Science is one of the important factors for the sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of the state. It is therefore absolutely confident that, as a manifestation of concern for the development of science at the state level, the Law "On Science" will operate as part of a policy serving the strengthening of statehood and improve national and cultural progress and welfare of the people.

It is necessary to keep the focus on the connection with the research carried out by the country's economic policy. "The Law of Science" is based on the scientific and technical potential, innovation policy, training of Azerbaijan, as well as raises important challenges for the specialized research institutions, research universities, official agencies, responsible for public policy in various areas, including the Development Fund science.

The main tasks set by the Law, are to increase the role of the Azerbaijan scientists in the development of society, solving problems in this area, greater participation and increased responsibility in the further development of the country, as well as accelerating its integration into the international community.

The law provides for an innovative strategy for the development of science and business in the science encompasses the steady increase of scientific potential of the country in the face of global competition, and maximum use of the talent of creative scientists with a high level of intelligence.

"The Law of Science" will contribute to the service of domestic scientists’ welfare and progress of the Azerbaijani people, the implementation of research programs and projects, the achievement of high-level competitive research results and global popularization abroad. Science Development Fund will always support researchers in carrying out this honorable and responsible task.

Elchin Babayev, Executive Director of the Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Republic

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