Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Presidential Prize stimulates fruitful realization of staff training
05.10.2013 00:00
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Presidential Prize stimulates fruitful realization of staff training

Being major force of the modern era, the youth are successfully involved into the science in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences implements vital measures in the direction of staff training, their sent to leading scientific centers of the world, as well as social accommodation of young scholar and researchers.  

 As known, President of Azerbaijan Republic, Ilham Aliyev signed Decree on establishment of Presidential Prize with the purpose to realize “Azerbaijani youth in 2011-2015” State Program  and encourage the youth achievements in the art, education and social fields.   

Presidium of ANAS made an Order to carry out issues stemming out from this Decree. According to the Order, scientific-research institutes of ANAS shall be submitted the candidature of young scholars distinguishing with hi skills till October 20, 2013 to the Presidium of ANAS.    

5 young scholars of ANAS Institute of Information Technologies have been nominated for Presidential Prize. They are follows: chief of Department of Doctorate PhD in technique Farhad Yusifov, chief of International Relations department PhD in technique Vugar Musayev, PhD in technique Fedai Genjeliyev, sector chief of the institute Nigar Ismayilova and leading scientific worker of the institute  Rehile Hasanova.  

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