Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.11.2016 15:10
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Valuable source for the study of new publications

Valuable source for the study of new publications

Monographs by Head of ANAS Nakhchivan Department of Institute History, Archaeology and Ethnography Emin Shikhaliyev "Britain's geopolitical interests,"Armenian issues" location and impact on Azerbaijan the (1917-1920)" and a research fellow of the same institute Elnur Kalbizadah "Nakhchivan Historical Geography (XII-XIII century, I half)" was delivered.

The the event was opened by chairman of Department, Academician Ismail Hajiyev who presented to general public about the importance of writing monographs, spoke about the importance and value of such publications.

It was noted that, the publication of two scientific papers are very valuable for Azrerbaican historians, as well as indicats the author's high-accuracy on two research works...

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