Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.11.2016 17:47
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"Ilham Aliyev. Presidential Portrait on a background of change" book presented

"Ilham Aliyev. Presidential Portrait on a background of change" book presented

On November 30, "Gulustan" Palace hosted the presentation "Ilham Aliyev. Presidential Portrait on a background of change" book, which was published by "Political Encyclopedia" Moscow publishing house in Russian, by the deputy of Milli Majlis, writer, honored journalist Elmira Akhundova.

The event was attended by Head of the Presidential Administration, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, officials of state and government, MPs, scientists, members of the public.

Opening the event, President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Academician Akif Alizadeh described the presentation of works of the laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmira Akhundova "Ilham Aliyev.Presidential Portrait on the background of the changes" an important event in the political life of our country.

Stressing that, in the history of Azerbaijan there were many historical figures, the Academician said that, in the XXI century, a historical figure is President Ilham Aliyev. ANAS President noted that, in his work the author has created a beautiful, majestic and original portrait of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

It was emphasized that, this book will contribute to the dissemination of the realities about Azerbaijan in Russian on a wider geographical area.

Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under AR President, Academician Urkhan Alakbarov emphasized that, the book thoroughly describes the multifaceted activities of President Ilham Aliyev and important issues related to the socio-political life of our country.

Director of the Institute Caucasus studies of ANAS, Professor and deputy of Milli Mejlis Musa Gasimli noted that, presentation of the book devoted to outstanding statesman of the XXI century, Ilham Aliyev, and it is an important event.

Having emphasized that, President Ilham Aliyev achieved important, unprecedented in the history of Azerbaijan of progress, M.Gasimli noted that, all this progress is provided in the work at the high level.

Member of "Yeni Azerbaijan"Party Management Board, deputy of Milli Mejlis Mikhail Zabelin said that, the book in flawless form brought to the attention of readers of the progress made in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

Speakers at the event deputy of Milli Mejlis, political expert Rasim Musabeyov, editor in chief of "Baku Worker" and information agency "1news" Rahman Hajiyev, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Literature of ANAS, PhD in Philology Eshgana Babayeva, writer and publicist, Natig Rasulzadeh stressed that, the publication of an important event in the political life of our country, noted that the political portrait of President Ilham Aliyev presented in the product in an expanded form.

Summarizing the event, President of ANAS A.Alizadeh primarily expressed gratitude to the author for creating such a solid product as a result of intense searches and speaking - for their valuable thoughts about the book.

Note that, in a book published in the elegant typographical, well-known writer-publicist Elmira Akhundova, clearly and convincingly, easy and affordable, with the involvement of the facts and materials, says one of the most pragmatic politicians in the post-Soviet space - Ilham Aliyev, analyzes the phenomenon of his success.

The author tries to answer the question "How to become successful, influential personalities, presidents?", "What is this mission - to be the leader of his people?"

The book, which is contains extensive information about the President of Azerbaijan, the facts, reviews, used documents from public sources, as well as dozens of unique interviews by the author in people from encirclement of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev.

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