Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.12.2016 12:19
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Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS were presented bibliography of 42 names

Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS were presented bibliography of 42 names

December 7, Azerbaijan National Library named after M.F Akhundzadeh has donated bibliographies published in latest 10 years, to the Institute of Literature named after Nizami.

Speaking at the occasion held at the event Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the work carried out in the country in the field of organization and development of the book and library science. Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the important projects implemented by the Azerbaijan National Library in recent years, the significance of publication of fundamental bibliographies, playing an irreplaceable role in the study of science, culture, the role of active libraries participate in public life, in the promotion of our literature, culture and spiritual values .

Vice-president of ANAS informed that the bibliography will play a major role in the promotion and study of our literature. Director of the National Library Kerim Tahirov stressed the importance of further expansion of ties between the two structures. It was noted that the Institute presented 168 copies literature bibliography of 42 titles from the series "Outstanding Personalities of Azerbaijan" devoted to Nizami Ganjavi, U. Hajibeyov, I.Efendiyev, Gara Garayev, S. Vurghun, B.Vahabzadeh, Elchin and other fundamental ones.

Director of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, PhD in medicine Leyla Imanova emphasized the importance of including donations of the Institute to the National Digital Memory. Professor Shirindil Alishanli, Asif Rustamli and other speakers talked about the benefits of cooperation with the National Library in our science.

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