Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Announcement on elections for ANAS acctive and corresponding members
14.12.2016 15:49
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Announcement on elections for ANAS acctive and corresponding members

ANAS Active members (academics) elected in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of ANAS Charter among the citizens of the Republic Azerbaijan of ANAS corresponding members, carreing out enveloping research on scientific topics that enrich our science with new knowledge created by the famous scientific schools.

Correspondent Members of ANAS in accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Charter of ANAS elected from among the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan with great achievements in the development of science and enrich it with valuable research.

Active members of and corresponding members of ANAS, academic councils of scientific institutions and higher education institutions have the right to nominate candidates for full members and corresponding members of ANAS on the specialties listed in the table published in accordance with the "Regulations on the election of ANAS members and its governing bodies".

The following documents (2 copies) candidates nominated for members of ANAS should be submitted to the Commission, created by the decision of Presidium of ANAS, within 30 days from the date of publication in the media about the election announcement:

• The corresponding decision or a statement on the nomination of a candidate for full members and corresponding members of ANAS;

• Autobiography;

• Personal leaf on registration of personnel;

• List of scientific works;

• Copies of diplomas of higher education, Ph.D., Doctor of Science and Professor certificates;

• Characteristics of a principal place of business;

• 3 photographs size 4x6 cm.

Documents are accepted every day from 10:00 to 17:00 (except Saturday and Sunday) at the following address:

Baku, Huseyn Javid 115 Avenue, Academy town, main building of ANAS.

Phone: (+994 12) 539-30-60, 537-23-97

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