Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.12.2016 12:09
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“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku

“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku
“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku
“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku
“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku
“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku
“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary presented in Baku

“Irevan: Hidden Truth” documentary has been presented (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages) in Baku.

The film was shot as part of cooperation between Virtual Karabakh Information-Communication Technology Center, the Institute of History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Youth and Sport.

Speaking at the ceremony, coordinator of Virtual Karabakh Information-Communication Technology Center, of the Public Council for Youth Affairs Nuraddin Mehdiyev provided an insight into the project. He said the film aims to increase the international community`s awareness of the cultural legacy of the ancient Azerbaijani city of Irevan.

Presidential Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov described the film as a serious project. “It is an important project, but it is not enough. We should give an updated description of the history of the ancient city of Irevan, as well as mosques, monuments there. Postcards, booklets depicting this should be made, and then handed out to tourists so that they see how Armenians destroy Azerbaijan`s history. Our diplomats who travel abroad, our fellow countrymen who live in foreign countries as well as our young people should contribute to the promotion of this film worldwide,” he said.

Minister of youth and sport Azad Rahimov said Armenians destroy intangible, cultural history of the Azerbaijani people in the occupied lands. “These atrocities had previously been committed in Irevan, then in Zangazur, Goycha, Verdibasar and other historic Azerbaijani territories. But Irevan suffered the most damage,” he said.

Speaking about done work in the framework of joint cooperation of the Institute of History of ANAS and the Center for Information and Communication Technologies "Virtual Garabagh", Yagub Mahmudov said that currently Azerbaijan is surrounded by intense information war, and we must win it. Today in Irevan remained historical and architectural monument over 200 years old, but one of the mosque. All the monuments destroyed by Armenians. Armenia is not limited to the destruction of tons of cultural cities such as Irevan, occupied the adjacent territory. As a result, more than one million Azerbaijani are refugees and IDPs.

For the proof of vandalism committed by Armenia, such projects should be implemented in the future. During such projects sufficiently important to mention about the Azerbaijani place names, existing and modified on the territory of today's Armenia.

Sharing views on the movie, chairman of the Committee on Youth and Sport of the Milli Mejlis Fuad Muradov, chairman of the Youth Association of the party "Yeni Azerbaijan" Seymour Orujov, the author of the screenplay, the doctor of philosophy in history Nazim Mustafa pointed out that this on-screen work talks about the acts of vandalism committed by Armenia against the material and spiritual heritage, including historical and cultural monuments of our nation. The main aim of the film is bringing to the international community of Azerbaijani realities, patriotic education of youth. It was brought to attention that the international community must seek to prevent the destruction of cultural and historical monuments in the occupied Azerbaijani territories.

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