Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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23.12.2016 16:21
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Students informed about the current environmental situation in Azerbaijan

Students informed about the current environmental situation in Azerbaijan

ANAS Central Botanical Garden (CBG) has completed the "Creation of the Club of ecological and social education Garden Club" project on 22 December. The project is implemented with the financial support of Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the CBGorganization and the Institute of Botany. The main goal of the project is the effective organization of extracurricular employment of students and environmental education.

Project training, which was held for 3 months on topics such as "Talking ring of wood", "Invisible Architects plant", "The plants of Azerbaijan", "Environmental Safety", "Young gardeners", was attended by more than 200 students of 6 schools.

Consist of theoretical and practical parts of the training were conducted by specialists the Institute of Botany and CBS. Students were informed about the natural area of distribution of various plants belonging to the garden collection, their significance and problems Protection. With the participation of school children in the area were planted with ornamental plants and learn the rules of care.

Students got acquainted with the research conducted in the laboratory in the Department of Plant Resources of Institute of Botany, as well as the principle of operation of the equipment. It gives information about the standard of plant specimens stored in the Herbarium, the conditions of their storage and digitization for further inclusion in the European database.

Organized by the Museum of Botany "The Green treasure trove of Azerbaijan" exhibition were demonstrated the territory of the spread of 10 relict species of trees of Girkan forest.

All students who take part in training  will be awarded with certificates next week.

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