Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.01.2017 17:14
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"Professor of ANAS" academic title established

"Professor of ANAS" academic title established

ANAS Presidium was considered issue on establishment of academic status "Professor of ANAS".

In his speech, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that, part of the diverse reforms carried out in recent years at ANAS is worthy of evaluation of scientific, organizational, scientific and pedagogical activities of scientists, promotion of their work. Academician noted that, some of the activities, new honorary titles instituted conducted in this area, diplomas and awards.

Head of of ANAS noted that, the establishment of the academic title "Professor of ANAS" is based on international experience. The aim is to encourage the work of scientists with high academic achievement.

The meeting adopted a resolution on the establishment of the academic title "Professor of ANAS", whose aim is to assess work of scientists of Azerbaijan, with the important achievements of the national and international level, the special merits in the implementation of the main functions and tasks of ANAS for years. Working Group for the preparation of the Regulation on the academic status has been established.

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