Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.01.2017 17:17
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Entrance doctoral exams in philosophy is held

Entrance doctoral exams in philosophy is held

Institute of Information Technology of ANAS holds doctoral exams in philosophy. Under decree of ANAS President Academician Akif Alizadeh dated June 9, 2015 the particular exams are being held at the Training-Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technology in more than 2 years, based on testing technology in a centralized manner. A total of 164 people will attend the two-day exams.

Chairman of the Exam Adoption Commission is corresponding member of ANAS Bakhtiyar Aliyev, members – PhDs in Philosophy Abulhasan Abbasov, Farman Ismayilov and head of Science and Education Office of the Presidium of ANAS Dr. Engineering Aminagha Sadigov acquainted with the exam course. According to the B. Aliyev necessary conditions were created at the institute for high level exam adoption in the Training - Innovation Centre, developed and applied by the Institute of Information Technology, test technology enables an objective assessment of the participants' knowledge of the exam.

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