Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.01.2017 17:25
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Solemn presentation ceremony of “British Foundation for Study of Azerbaijan and Caucasus”

Solemn presentation ceremony of “British Foundation for Study of Azerbaijan and Caucasus”

Solemn presentation ceremony of “British Foundation for Study of Azerbaijan and Caucasus” took place in the world known Victoria and Albert Museum (United Kingdom).

The event was attended by influential members of the scientific academic community of the United Kingdom, and persons representing the Government and the Parliament of the UK, the envoys of prestigious organizations, including the Trade of the Prime Minister of UK to Azerbaijan, Iraq and Turkmenistan Baroness Nicholson.

Opening the event opening speech, Chairman of the British Foundation for the Study of Caucasus and Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Nargiz Pashayeva spoke about the directions of activity of the Foundation established in the UK. She said that the establishment of the British Foundation is the beginning of a new stage in the development of mutual relations between Azerbaijan and United Kingdom in the humanitarian, scientific, cultural and other spheres.

Professor Nargiz Pashayeva noted that the Foundation will give confidence and encouragement to those people who are not confined to a small circle of their own interests and do not tend to advertise themselves, do not have had no real merit. Supports true talent and the best ideas. Whatever new protection against emerging threats to the modern world nor created, basic values - science, education, culture and the human mind and, of course, spirituality, a sense of love and justice - are always the best guarantee of global security. It how became so great Britain, creating all the conditions for those who can and wants to develop. In the hearts and thoughts of a person should not be empty, and the lack of light - is perfectly reflected in the motto of the University of Oxford, "My God - the light!" In Azerbaijan, intelligent and educated man is called "Ziyali", which literally means "lit from within", "light bringer."

The name of our Foundation points out that we will pay attention to the study of the Caucasus and the region. Caucasus - the concept is not just geographical, and it is poorly understood in the context of modern European science. Our goal - is to be able to combine, organize, and summarize the known facts and to create conditions for an objective scientific approach to this issue. We have a lot of archives, manuscripts unknown to Western scholars. For a long time it was closed free, professional and independent partnerships with Western scientists, not professional translated the works of many scientists at the European languages. Now is the time without passion, without unhealthy competition, no random people, not related to the science, the system of global scientific approaches to study in detail this great multicultural and multi-ethnic region, as is the Caucasus.

Oxford University Professor of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, director of Nizami Ganjavi Center at Oxford University with the British side, Edmund Herzog in his speech stressed the importance of in-depth study of Azerbaijan and Caucasus in the academic circles of Britain.

President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Academician Akif Alizade stressed the activities of Professor Nargiz Pashayeva in the promotion of national values of Azerbaijan in the UK and Europe: "The event in the Albert and Victoria Museum in London is a great event and will go down in history of Azerbaijan science and culture. Creating at the initiative Nargiz Pashayeva Center at the University of Oxford, which is named after the great Nizami Ganjavi and his successful activities, aroused great interest in the scientific community. Therefore, I express my sincere gratitude to corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Nargiz Pashayeva for having brought a new breath to our science and made many good deeds for the sake of Azerbaijan”.

Director of the National Museum of History, Academician Naila Velikhanli noted the importance of establishing cultural bridge between Azerbaijan and Great Britain, the expansion of scientific activity between the museums of the two countries: "The participation of world-renowned scientists in this event shows how much attention is focused on this truly momentous historical event, aroused great interest among the workers of culture and science, will make its significant contribution to the development of our relations."

Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Professor Vasim Mammadaliyev also noted the importance of the Foundation’s work in promoting tolerance, "Nizami Ganjavi Center at Oxford University is the first and only scientific organization in the UK, studying Azerbaijan, which has won the respect of well-known scientists. Created by British Foundation took over the good mission, which embodies the great scientific perspective, fundamental research will contribute to the expansion of cultural and social ties."

The event continued with the artistic part.

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