Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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ANAS Scientific publications are available on the Math-Net.Ru portal
21.02.2017 15:23
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ANAS Scientific publications are available on the Math-Net.Ru portal

lThe expansion of international contacts in the scientific community is particularly relevant in the era of large-scale innovation, the emergence of new areas of science, the pace of renovation of scientific information and the need for coordination between individual researchers.

Traditional creative relations are implemented between the Azerbaijani and Russian scientists in the field of mathematics and mechanics in this direction. In this regard, it is encouraging to note an agreement on cooperation concluded between the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM) and the Institute of Mathematical after V.A.Steklov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMRAN).

According to the agreement, the institutions have a long tradition and rich experience of collaborative researches, have agreed on the implementation of joint studies, research projects and exchange of scientific information in the areas of mutual interest.

IMRAN which is one of the world centers of mathematical research, making a fundamental contribution to the advanced mathematics, mechanics, theoretical physics and computer science.

Scientific research in IMRAN is conducted within the state task, projects of the Russian scientific fund, the Russian Federal Property Fund, tenders on the state support of the leading schools of sciences, scientific research of young Russian scientists.

The special area of work Institute of Mathematical after V.A.Steklov is the information system Math-Net.Ru created in scientific institution - the innovative project of Mathematical institute - the all-Russian mathematical portal giving to the Russian and foreign mathematicians the amplest opportunities in information search about mathematical life in Russia and the world.

Scientific portal connects the Russian and foreign periodicals in the field of mathematical sciences in a single information system. Access to information collected on our site free, with the exception of files with the full article.

The all-Russian mathematical portal Math-Net.Ru created and developed by IMRAN under the project "Mathematical and algorithmic problems of creation and maintenance of information systems in the field of mathematical sciences" program of the Presidium of RAS "Development of fundamentals of creation of scientific distributed information-computing environment on the basis of GRID technologies" and "Development of the Russian information system in the field of mathematical Science" program for basic research Division of the RAS "Mathematical and algorithmic problems of the new generation of information systems".

The agreement, signed by Director of ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Professor Misir Mardanov and Director of the Institute Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Academician V.V.Kozlov, the portal transmitted licensed material magazines Transactions of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences (issue mathematics and mechanics) and Proceeding of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan NAS for their placement on the site www.mathnet .mobi.

The signed agreement will allow providing mutual access for scientists of the cooperating Academies to numerous periodicals and publications in the field of mathematics, mechanics, physics and informatics. Promoting of achievements of the Azerbaijani scientists on the authoritative scientific platform will be result of a cooperation that will allow lifting the researches and projects realized in our countries to better level.

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