Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.03.2017 17:27
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A presentation of the journal dedicated to the successes of Russian science held

A presentation of the journal dedicated to the successes of Russian science held

ANAS Central Scientific Library hosted a presentation of a special issue of the journal "Khalg nezareti", dedicated to the successes of Russian science, and the journal "Modern Social and Human Sciences", which is published in Germany on March 10.

The presentation was attended by scientists and cultural figures and representatives of the public.

Opening the event, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes after Academician Y.Mamedaliyev, Academician Vagif Abbasov spoke about the importance of the international socio-political and legal magazine "Khalg nezareti".

Noting that, the journal highlights the achievements in the social and economic sphere in general, large-scale projects implemented, implemented in the field of science, education and culture, Academician said that, this issue of the publication is devoted to the historical path passed by ANAS conducted at the institutes of the Academy of Scientific-Research works and the contribution of ANAS in the world science.

Then the founder and the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Khalg nezareti" Insaf Aliyeva, who noted that, the purpose of this publication is to acquaint the broad readership both in the republic and abroad with the events taking place in the country and the successes achieved in the social and economic life and Propaganda of science and culture of Azerbaijan.

The editor-in-chief also told about the journal's headings, noted that in this special issue of the publication there are photos and articles, speeches, speeches and other interesting materials reflecting activities in the field of science and culture.

The presentation also talked about the scientific and journalistic journal "Modern Social and Human Sciences". It was noted that, the publication of this magazine is envisaged by the editorial staff of the publication "Khalg nezareti" in Germany in a large print run.

The event continued with the artistic part.

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