Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.03.2017 11:03
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"Brain Drain" and Azerbaijan: scientific-sociological analysis” book published

"Brain Drain" and Azerbaijan: scientific-sociological analysis” book published

The book of the scientific secretary of the Institute of the Science History of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in political sciences, associate professor Zaur Aliyev "Brain drain" and Azerbaijan: scientific-sociological analysis” was published.

The scientific editor of the book, which was published in the publishing house "Science and Education", is the director of the Institute, Doctor of historical sciences Mariam Seidbeyli, the editor is journalist Hikmat Hasanov, the scientific consultant is the Deputy Director of the institute for scientific work, PhD in Theology Sabina Nematzade, the reviewer is the Deputy Head of the Department of Social Security of the Executive Power of Sodermalm, Stockholm, Sweden - Leila Kiani.

The book analyzes the concept of "Brain Drain", the study of which is important in the context of issues related to the migration process. The reasons for intellectual migration from Azerbaijan to foreign countries, as well as world experience, were investigated.

The publication also reflected, for the first time, the results of a survey conducted in connection with representatives of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia living abroad, and a sociological analysis.

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