Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.03.2017 17:32
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Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS reported on its activities last year

Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS reported on its activities last year

At a regular meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, which was held on March 15, the director of the Sheki Regional Scientific Center, Ph.D in Physics and Mathematics Yusif Shukurlu delivered a report on the scientific-organizational activities of the Center in 2016.

Yusif Shukurlu noted that in 8 divisions of the center research work was carried out in priority areas, which include 8 topics, and important results were obtained. The director stressed that in the reporting year, the staff published 3 books, 27 articles, 4 of which were published abroad, and 25 theses, 7 of which were published abroad. One article was printed in the journal with the impact factor.

He said that last year he was elected a member of the Executive Committee of BACSA (Association of Silk of the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Central Asia), Yusif Shukurlu added that he is the coordinator of this organization for Azerbaijan. He also noted that some work was done to further expand cooperation with this association. The scientist stressed that the VIII BACSA conference will be held on April 2-7 this year in Sheki.

Informing that the proposals on the development of sericulture in Azerbaijan were developed and submitted to the Presidium, the director of the center spoke about the activities carried out in this area: "To expand the entrepreneurial activity in silkworm breeding in Sheki, special attention is paid to the cultivation of silkworm by innovative methods and the production of silk products. To this end, two business plans have been developed for the construction of modern type worms and the production of biologically active preparations, vegetable oils, flavors, flavoring and coloring substances on the basis of medicinal plants. In the near future, projects will be submitted to the National Fund for Entrepreneurship Support. "The director noted that last year, between the center and the Research Institute of Livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, agreements on scientific and technical cooperation in the field of silkworm breeding was concluded.

After listening to the report, discussions were held, and the report was approved by the decision of Presidium. The Sheki Regional Scientific Center was given assignments in such areas as the implementation of activities envisaged in the document "Development of an Innovative Directed Model of Agro-Ecological Development of the North-West Region of Azerbaijan" in 2016-2020 within the framework of cooperation with relevant institutes of ANAS and international organizations. Noted in the Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision to the Future", active participation together with relevant scientific institutions of the Academy and international organizations in solving issues of state importance in the field of research and signing protocols of intent, strengthening joint activities with the Sheki Branch of the ASPU with the aim of integrating science and education, etc.

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