Dr. History at the Department of Stone Age Archeology of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS Asadulla Jafarov’s “Paleolithic camps of Karabakh” book was published.
Scientific editor of the publication is Dr. History, Professor Abbas Seyidov, reviewers – corresponding member of ANAS Veli Aliyev and PhD in History Jeyhun Ismayilov.
The aforementioned book has been dedicated to the scientific description of material-cultural findings, which were discovered during complex studies in the world wide Azikh and Taghlar ancient human camps of Karabakh, one of the ancient civilization centers of Azerbaijan.
Characteristic features of guruchay, oldest Acheulian, middle Acheulian, last Acheulian, mustye and upper Paleolithic cultures, which defined in the territory of Karabakh of the Republic of Azerbaijan, work tools of our ancestors, their occupations such as fire discover, hunting, gathering, creation of the primary structures at that period, transformation of the Neanderthal-type people into a homo sapiens (wise man) type of people, have been interpreted on the basis of the ancient artifacts in Karabakh.
The successes achieved in the course of scientific research, carried out jointly with European scientists on the basis of the International Program INTAS-2000, were published in the book for the first time.
In the work on the basis of facts, the scientifically unfounded thoughts were refuted by some Armenian "researchers" who sought to falsify the history of the ancient camp of a man - Azikh.
The new edition is provided for archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, paleogeologists, paleoanthologists, students, as well as a wide readership.
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