Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.03.2017 13:12
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Presented the book dealing with danger of Metsamor NPP

Presented the book dealing with danger of Metsamor NPP

Institute of Law and Human Rights has presented the book “Metsamor NPP: an ecological bomb for region” by a senior researcher of this institute, PhD in Political Sciences Rovshen Velizadeh.

Addressing the event, Director of the Institute, Dr. Law Ayten Mustafazade stated that, Metsamor nuclear power plant which was commissioned in Armenia 1969 has already lost its working function, so become a source of great danger to humanity as a whole. Director of the institute noted that Metsamor’s nuclear wastes and discharge into rivers and other water deposits of Azerbaijan may create environmental hazards. This nuclear power plant is not a global problem for only Azerbaijan but also for other neighboring countries. To this end, international organizations must take concrete steps against the Metsamor NPP.

Presented book has been published as a response to challenge of President Ilham Aliyev at The Hague International Nuclear Summit in March 2014 and is expected to be published in other languages, said A.Mustafazade.

Then, author of the book Rovshen Velizade said that, 6 years ago this NPP has stopped its function and it is impossible to restore the cracked blocks. He also informed about Armenia’s still remaining “nuclear program”, its hostile policy against Azerbaijan, as well as joint connections of NPP with international terrorist organizations.

In the book, R. Velizadeh compared same cases with tragedies in Japan’s Fukushima NPP and Ukraine’s Chernobyl and stressed out its further great threat for Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Russia and Iran.

MP Flora Gasimova, Esmira Orujova, a chairman of “Hasrat Yolu” Public Union for Captives and Hostages, and others shared their opinions on the book.

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