Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.04.2017 09:53
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Director of the Institute of Caucasian Study delivered a lecture in the international conference

Director of the Institute of Caucasian Study delivered a lecture in the international conference

On March 29-31, Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov (MSU) hosted the international conference “100th anniversary of Russian revolution - 1917”. Event was co-organized by St. Petersburg State University, History-Philology Department of Russia AS, History Institute of Russia AS and Moscow State University .

At the sectional assembly of the international conference with participation of historians and politicians from over 10 countries of the world, head of Institute of Caucasian Study Dr. History and Professor Musa Gasimli delivered a lecture on “February Revolution and South Caucasian policy of Entente countries”, which conducts conditions in the South Caucasus after the February Revolution, activation consequences of the Entente countries and practical steps taken for implementation based on the most important archival materials.

Sectional assembly has been chaired by Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, head of Sociology of the International Relations Department at MSU Professor Pavel Chigankov.

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