The delegation headed by the president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Academician Akif Alizadeh, visited Bulgaria.
Within the framework of the visit, the president of ANAS met with the president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ANB) Julian Revalsky, the leadership of the Sofia University “St. Clement of Ohrid”, as well as at the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the same university. The delegation also visited the Museum of Paleontology and Historical Geology, functioning at the university.
At the meeting, in detail informing his Bulgarian counterpart about the history and activities of ANAS, Academician A.Alizadeh noted the great opportunities for cooperation. The sides also exchanged views on the possibility of deepening bilateral relations, cooperation within the framework of the European Union (EU) programs, the exchange of experience, scientists and researchers in areas of mutual interest, as well as the implementation of joint projects. At the meeting, cooperation in the field of exploration of oil and gas fields, archeology, seismology was identified as priority areas.
After the meeting, the ceremony of signing an agreement on cooperation in science and technology between ANAS and ANB, as well as this additional protocol to the agreement took place. The agreement provides for the expansion of scientific ties in the field of science and technology, and improvement of cooperation between the two countries.
Academician A.Alizadeh in a meeting with the Vice-Rector for Doctorate and International Relations of Sofia University named after St. Clement of Ohrid, Professor Maria Stoycheva reported on the establishment of a master's degree of education at ANAS in order to create the unity of science and education and the training of young scientists. He noted the possibility of exchanging young undergraduates between ANAS and Sofia University named after St. Clement of Ohrid. A.Alizade spoke about a possible model of cooperation in a trilateral format between ANAS, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Sofia University of St. Clement of Ohrid.
M.Stoycheva, in turn, noted the interest in cooperation and expressed satisfaction with the deepening of cooperation between our countries in the field of science.
Then the Azerbaijani delegation visited the Museum of Paleontology and Historical Geology, operating at the Sofia University named after St. Clement of Ohrid, and got acquainted with the exhibits presented here.
During the visit, the president of ANAS gave an interview to the leading news agency of Bulgaria "Focus". A.Alizadeh in detail informed the audience about the history, structure, activities and goals of ANAS, international projects being implemented, as well as the role of the state in the development of science in our country.
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