Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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Congratulations to the prominent geophysicist Chingiz Aliyev on the occasion 70th anniversary!
23.08.2017 11:23
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Congratulations to the prominent geophysicist Chingiz Aliyev on the occasion 70th anniversary!

Prominent scientist-geophysicist, head of the Department of Radiometry of Geological Environment of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, ANAS corresponding member Aliyev Chingiz is 70th on August 21.

Chingiz Aliyev was born in 1947 in Baku in a family of intellectuals. He graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (modern Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry).

He received the degree of PhD in Geology and mineralogy sciences in 1985, in 1994 - Doctor of Geology and mineralogy sciences and in 2013 - title of Professor. In 2014 he was elected as corresponding member of ANAS. At present, he is the head of the Department of Radiometry of the Geological Environment of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

The main scientific directions of the scientist's activity are connected with the study of spatio-temporal regularities of the radioactivity of the Earth's crust and the connection of radioactive areas with the geological structure, as well as with the radiometry of oil and gas sites, the search for oil and gas deposits by radiometric methods, the assessment of deep faults and the problems of ecological and medical geology.

Professor Ch.Aliyev conducted important research in the field of studying the natural radioactivity of the depressive zones of Azerbaijan, compiling a scale for the normal gamma-radiation background of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic rock complex and determining the geological boundaries, patterns of distribution of radioactive areas in depressive zones and determining the conditions for geological formation, establishing their links with Deep structure of the Earth's crust. In order to determine the methodological foundations of radio monitoring in the seismically active zones of the Greater Caucasus located on the territory of Azerbaijan, and hydrocarbon deposits, as well as zones of tectonic disturbance and their activity, the scientist has prepared criteria for selecting a set of rational radiometric and geophysical methods.

The scientist conducts significant research in the field of geoecology. Maps of natural radioactivity of various territories of Azerbaijan were drawn up at a scale of 1: 200,000, maps of background radioactivity of oil and gas areas of Azerbaijan on a scale of 1: 000,000 and important work was done to identify radionuclide contamination sites and establish the mechanism for their formation.

Ch.Aliyev first started research in Azerbaijan in the field of studying the problems of medical geology. It should be especially noted his merits in the field of mapping the distribution of volumetric activity of radon for the territory of Azerbaijan. The scientist is the head of the State Action Plan for 2014-2018.

Professor Ch.Aliyev is the author of 170 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 1 textbook. He appeared in numerous international conferences, symposiums and congresses, was the leader and participant of international and republican scientific grant projects.

In addition to scientific activity, the scientist carries out pedagogical activity. Currently, he teaches at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry and takes an active part in the training of young cadres. Under his leadership were trained 2 PhD.

Ch.Aliyev is a member of the Polish International Radon Center.

The merits of the scientist are highly appreciated by the state and the public. He was awarded the Medal "Tereggi" and the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of ANAS.

We congratulate notable scientist on the occasion of 70th anniversary wish him great successes in development of Azerbaijani science!

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov

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