Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Famous scientist-biologist Ibrahim Azizov’s 70th anniversary held
15.09.2017 16:19
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Famous scientist-biologist Ibrahim Azizov’s 70th anniversary held

ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology held the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the head of the Laboratory of Photochemistry of Chloroplasts of this structure, laureate of the Shohrat Order and correspondent member of ANAS Ibrahim Azizov on September 15.

Speaking at the event, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Academician Irada Huseynova, Director of the Institute of Botany, Academician Valid Alizadeh, Corresponding Member of ANAS Novruz Guliyev and others told about the life and scientific activity of the famous scientist-biologist I.Azizov and congratulated him on 70 year anniversary. It was noted that, the scientific activity of a prominent specialist in the field of physiology of photosynthesis is aimed at studying the ability of wheat genotypes to photosynthesize. He studied the influence of adverse environmental factors, including high temperature, drought and salinity on chloroplasts and yields of different wheat genotypes.

It was noted that, I. Azizov's scientific creativity is organically connected with his pedagogical activity. Since 1985, he has been conducting specialty lessons at the Biological Faculty of the Baku State University and is actively involved in the training of young cadres. In 2005, I. Azizov was awarded the Order "Shohrat" for achievements in science.

In conclusion, the short film "The Glorious Life of a Scientist" about the life and work of a scientist was demonstrated.

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