A regular meeting of ANAS Presidium considered the issue of preparing a new spelling dictionary of the Azerbaijani language on November 1.
In this regard, Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke. Noting that, the views put forward by President Ilham Aliyev at the jubilee event of ANAS concerning the possibilities of the vocabulary of the language and the preservation of the purity of the native language entrusted important tasks to linguistic science, Isa Habibbayli stressed that, the preparation of a new spelling dictionary of the period of independence is of great importance from this point of view.
At the meeting it was proposed to establish the Republican Commission under the leadership of the President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh with the purpose of preparing the principles of the new spelling dictionary of the Azerbaijani language, organizing discussions on the topic, publishing the dictionary. ANAS Institute of Linguistics after Nasimi was instructed to prepare and introduce for discussion the rules and principles of the spelling dictionary together with relevant scientific structures within a month, and also to ensure the preparation of a new dictionary till May 2018.
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