Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.11.2017 12:43
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Astana held presentation of the book "Nursultan Nazarbayev: The Way of Life"

Astana held presentation of the book "Nursultan Nazarbayev: The Way of Life"

Astana, Kazakhstan held presentation ceremony of "Nursultan Nazarbayev: The Way of Life" book in Azerbaijani language organized by the International Turkic Academy on November 27.

Let us recall that, the book was translated from the Russian language into the Azerbaijani by the laureate of media awards of the Higher Media of Azerbaijan, International Turkic Academy after I.Gasprali, publicist and former head of the correspondent bureau of the Azerbaijan Television for Central Asia Aida Eyvazli (Aida Eyvazli Gaiturk). The consultants of the publication are the president of the International Turkic Academy Darkhan Kydirali and the deputy of Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan Javanshir Feiziyev, the editor is Veli Akbar.

Head of the Office of the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan Mahmud Kasimbekov said that, the publication of the book about Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Azerbaijani language is a clear example of the development of relations between our countries and peoples. He stressed that this book is the first work published about the President of Kazakhstan in the Latin alphabet.

Speaking at the ceremony, the assistant to the President of Azerbaijan on socio-political affairs, the author of the preface of the book Ali Hasanov spoke about the friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, the merits of the presented work. The presidential aide noted the indisputable role of leaders in the lives of our peoples who survived a similar fate.

It was noted that due to the wise policy of Nursultan Nazarbayev today in Kazakhstan, between nations and nations, lasting peace, stability reigns, a functional society with multicultural values has been formed. Representatives of over 130 peoples, including Azerbaijanis, live and work in a civil peace and national solidarity.

President of the International Turkic Academy Darkhan Kidirali sad that, translation book about the Aksakal of the Turkic world Nursultan Nazarbayev into Azerbaijani is a significant event. He expressed gratitude to Ali Hasanov for writing an introduction to the book.

Vice President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Milli Mejlis Committee on Science and Education Isa Habibbeyli noted that, the publication of this book is a clear example of the love of the Azerbaijani people for the Kazakh people. He stressed that, the transition of Kazakhstan to the Latin schedule will contribute to the further rapprochement of our peoples, noted the importance of publishing the presented work in Latin script.

Speakers at the event told about the merits of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

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