Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.02.2018 09:16
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Head of the State Border Service gets acquainted with the activity of the ANAS High Technology Park

Head of the State Border Service gets acquainted with the activity of the ANAS High Technology Park

Chief of the State Border Service (SBS) Colonel Elchin Guliyev has familiarized with the activity of the ANAS High Technology Park on February 20.

Initially, the residents of the Park - the experimental industrial plant and the Millers-Oils Azerbaijan oil refinery were examined. Then he got closely acquainted with production areas of unmanned aerial vehicles, Central Park analytical laboratory and radio-environmental monitoring system. Further, the guest was informed about the activities of the High-Tech Park, future development plans, and individual residents.

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about state care in development of high technologies in Azerbaijan and noted the importance of applying advanced technologies in all spheres. He noted that the establishment of the High-Tech Park in accordance with the Presidential Decree of November 8, 2016, is a clear example of this. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two academic institutions for the future.

SBS chief, Colonel Elchin Guliyev spoke about the joint work done within the framework of the memorandum on cooperation in the field of scientific and technical and educational cooperation between the Military Academy of Armed Forces and ANAS. E.Guliyev noted the importance of cooperation with ANAS High Technology Park and expressed confidence that cooperation in this direction will continue successfully.

Director of the Institute of Additives Chemistry named after acad. A.Guliyev, acad. Vagif Farzaliyev stressed the importance of increasing the attention of the Azerbaijani science to high technology and innovation policy in order to take leading position in the world of scientific and technological processes.

Director of the High Technology Park, PhD in Agrarian Sciences Vugar Babayev underlined the necessity of joint cooperation for the purpose of the continuous development and competitiveness of the economy, expansion of innovation and high technologies based on modern scientific and technological achievements.

The representative of Science and Technology Park LLC Ayaz Mammadli, director of Azeltech LLC Samir Suleymanov and representative of DN Technologies Ceyhun Nabadov made a presentation on the activities of their organizations.

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