Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Announced date of entrance exams to to the Azerbaijani universities and ANAS master's degree
22.02.2018 11:33
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Announced date of entrance exams to to the Azerbaijani universities and ANAS master's degree

The State Examination Center (SEC) announced date of the 1st stage entrance exams to the Azerbaijani universities and ANAS master's degree on 25 February.

The first stage of the entrance exam to the magistracy will be held in five cities of the republic - Baku, Nakhchivan, Ganja, Mingachevir and Lankaran, in total, in 38 examination buildings. The exam will begin at 13:00 and will last 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Applications were received from 2 to 13 February via the Internet. 12.387 bachelors applied for the exam. 11,205 pass the exam in the Azerbaijani sector and 1.182 in the Russian sector.

Bachelors who applied for the exam from February 16, visiting the SEC website and using the user name and password of the "personal cabinet", can print the "Admission to the exam" sheet. Here are the city, building and other data to participate in the exam.

After specifying the schedule of other media exams, information will be provided and the section "Calendar" is included on the official website of the Center. It is recommended you regularly follow site for this section.

Bachelors must bring the following documents to the exam:

- Original of the identity document;

- "Admission to the exam"

Participants who do not have one of the documents or will have discrepancies in the documents will not be admitted to the exam.

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