Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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Scientific Council on Biology held a meeting
26.02.2018 12:25
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Scientific Council on Biology held a meeting

ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology  held the1st meeting of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Coordination of Scientific Research for the current year.

Speaking at the event, deputy chairman of the council, academician Irada Huseynova informed the participants about the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the Establishment of the Council for the Coordination of Scientific Research of the Republic of Azerbaijan" of February 20, 2018. She noted that, the council will monitor the coordination of scientific research, the final results of their implementation and hold various symposiums, conferences, seminars and meetings.

Then, there were discussions of those dissertations in the thesis of ANAS under the program of preparation of doctors of philosophy and correspondence department of doctoral studies and dissertations in the program of preparation of doctors of sciences for 2017-2018 academic year, as well as those received from organizations that are not members of the academy.

48 dissertations were presented to the board for discussion, 16 of which pertained to the training program for doctors of sciences and 22 to the program for the training of doctors of philosophy. Further, with the introduction of certain changes, 16 topics were confirmed on the program for the preparation of doctors of sciences and 18 topics on the program for the preparation of doctors of philosophy. And 4 topics were returned to the relevant institutions for review and discussion.

Academician Valida Alizadeh, corresponding members of ANAS Ibrahim Azizov, Panah Muradov, and Khalil Gasimov, Ph.D. in Biology Saftar Suleymanov, Yashar Feiziyev, Eldar Novruzov, Janbakhish Najafov, Elman Iskandar, Arif Mehdiyev, Shakir Gasimov, Elshad Akhmedov participated in the discussions. Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics Elman Yusifov, Ph.D. in Biology Alemdar Mammadov and PhD in Biology of Parvan Garahani made their proposals and recommendations.

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