Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Monograph "Foreign Economic Activity: the Balance of Regulation with Liberalization" published
16.04.2018 11:48
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Monograph "Foreign Economic Activity: the Balance of Regulation with Liberalization" published

The monograph "Foreign Economic Activity: the Balance of Regulation with Liberalization" was published by the head of the Department of Methodological and Econometric Problems of State Regulation of Economy at the Institute of Economics  of ANAS, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Assistant Professor Gulaliyev Mayis.

The scientific editor of the book is director of the Institute, Professor Nazim Imanov, reviewers are Professor Tabriz Aliyev and Doctor of Economic Sciences Fuad Ganbarov.

The monograph is devoted to the essence of balance, the measurement between the four main components of foreign economic relations - foreign trade, international financial flows, migration and liberalization of international trade in services and government regulation. The book includes some results obtained for Azerbaijan. The book proposes a new conceptual approach to globalization and its economic aspects, forms of state intervention in the economy and their measurement.

The new edition is a useful source for people interested in economic globalization and liberalization of foreign economic relations, as well as problems of state regulation of the economy.

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