Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.05.2018 12:03
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"Coin and statehood" book by Professor Ali Racabli presented

"Coin and statehood" book by Professor Ali Racabli presented

"Coin and statehood" book by head of the Department of Numismatic and epigraphic research fund of the National Museum of AzerbaijanHistory, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ali Rajabli presented on May 25.

At the event held at the Central Scientific Library, ANAS vice-president, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, A.Rajabli is an outstanding scientist who laid the foundation and develops numismatics as a science in Azerbaijan. Over the past 60 years, Professor A.Rajabli has made a significant contribution to the development of numismatics, ethnography, history and social sciences.

I.Habibbeyli brought to the attention that, the numismatic scientist is the author of such fundamental works as "Coining of Coins in the State of Shirvanshahs (VIII-XVI centuries)", "Coins in the Azerbaijan State of Safavids", "Azerbaijan Numismatics" and "Azerbaijan Coins", and stressed that, in his books A.Rajabli instilled in the new generations the ideology of Azerbaijanism and statehood. Noting that, all the works of A.Rajabli were translated into Russian and English languages, ANAS vice-president stressed that, scientist has important merits in propaganda of the Azerbaijani science in the world, as well as our ancient history and culture of statehood in the international arena. He also noted that, Professor A.Rajabli conducted important researches in the field of coins of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which celebrates its 100th anniversary.

Academician I.Habibbeyli reminded that, in order to expand work in the field of numismatics in the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography last year, on the recommendation of the President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh, decisions were adopted to attract doctoral students to this field and to strengthen staff training. In September of this year, important decisions will be taken to develop numismatics, epigraphy and theoretical sciences in Azerbaijan.

Vice-president of ANAS, who provided detailed information on the presented book, noted that, a new edition reflects the traditions of coinage and statehood in Azerbaijan and numismatic facts were 1st studied as one of the most important symbols of the history of our statehood. In addition, the book contains extensive information about politics, economy, money and the history of ancient Azerbaijani states.

Academician Nargiz Akhundova, director of the Institute of History, academician Yagub Makhmudov, director of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, scientific editor of the journal, academician Nailya Velikhanly and others spoke at the event on importance of research, preservation, promotion and delivery up to future generations of the scientist's works.

Then, were listened the reports on "New Contribution to Numismatics" by Deputy Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History, doctor of History Nargiz Aliyeva and "Ali Rajabli and Azerbaijani Numismatics" by Akif Guliyev, head of the Department of Archeology and Ethnography, PhD in History.

In conclusion, Professor A.Rajabli expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event.

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