Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.09.2018 12:34
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ANAS held Arif Melikov’s 85th anniversary

ANAS held Arif Melikov’s 85th anniversary

Electronic Assembly Hall of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi hosted an event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the outstanding composer, People's Artist, State Prize Laureate, Istiglal and Shohrat, academician Arif Melikov on September 21. The meeting, which was attended by well-known figures of science, culture and art took place by the organization of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences and ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art.

The event was opened by director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, corresponding member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzadeh. He spoke about the role of the fruitful activity of the outstanding composer in the history and culture of Azerbaijan, in various areas of Arif Melikov's work. E.Salamzadeh stressed that, the work of Academician A.Melikov is highly appreciated by our state, he was awarded with the highest awards of Azerbaijan.

Arif Malikov is a brilliant composer, talented artist, conductor, experienced teacher and also an active member of ANAS. His works have gained great popularity not only in Azerbaijan, but also abroad. An example of this is the production of the ballet "The Legend of Love" in more than 60 countries of the world, which the composer wrote back in his youth.

The academician-secretary of the Humanities Department, academician Teymur Kerimli stressed that, the outstanding Azerbaijani composer is one of the brightest figures in modern musical culture. Through numerous examples of art he provided exceptional services for enriching our musical traditions and developing the country's culture, he has merits and many years of experience in training young professionals. T.Kerimli also noted that, the famous artist is a member of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS.

There were listened reports on the topics "Creativity of Arif Melikov in the context of the culture of world music", "Music of Arif Melikov in the world ballet theater", "Picturesque activities of Arif Melikov", which reflected the majesty and richness of Arif Melikov's creativity.

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