Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.09.2018 15:06
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ANAS held academician Hasan Abdullayev’s 100th anniversary

ANAS held academician Hasan Abdullayev’s 100th anniversary

In August of this year the was held 100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, State Prize laureate, honored scientist, academician Hasan Abdullayev.

ANAS Round Hall of the Main Building held a jubilee meeting of a prominent scientist on September 26.

Initially, the participants of the event visited the grave of academician Hasan Abdullayev on the First Alley of Honor and laid wreaths and flowers to his grave.

Speaking at the event, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh noted that, 100th anniversary of Hasan Abdullayev is conducted in accordance with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev. Talking about the scientific and public activities of the academician, his contribution to the socio-cultural progress, he noted that, Hasan Abdullayev 50 years of his 75 life, associated with the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, grew from an ordinary employee to the post of president of the academy, high technologies and their development: "The period of leadership of Hasan Abdullayev became a real scientific renaissance, a stage of intellectual revival. Numerous innovations, formation of priority directions, creation of scientific organizations in accordance with scientific branches, strengthening of ties between science, education and production are connected with the name of the scientist".

Academician Akif Alizadeh stressed that, scientist paid special attention to the training of highly qualified personnel. By his efforts in 1954-1955 a semiconductor group was established at the Azerbaijan State University and under his initiative and leadership in 1956, Department of Semiconductor Physics was established at the Institute of Physics.

Speaking about the 13-year-old leadership of the academician, he said that during this period, experimental and design bureaus and experimental plants were established at the institutes, and production communication with scientific research works was improved. The President noted that, on his initiative, the Sectors of Physiology and Philosophy had been transformed into institutes, the Photoelectronics and Space Research Institutes, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Sectors, a new regional scientific centers, laboratories, departments and departments had been established.

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences of ANAS, director of the Institute of Physics, academician Nazim Mammadov spoke about the life and work of the scientist as a scientific organizer. He said that the scientific activity of the scientist is mainly related to semiconductors and their practical application, he was the author of more than 1000 scientific articles, including patents in the USSR, USA, Japan, Germany, France and a number of other foreign countries.

The anniversary event was continued by speeches of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Roald Sagdeev, Director of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Levchenko, Rector of the Baku State University, academician Abel Maharramov, Professor of Japanese University Chiba Kazuki Vakita, Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli and Deputy Director for scientific works of the Institute of Physics, academician Javad Abdinov.

In conclusion, the awards were awarded to the winners of the contest, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Hasan Abdullayev.

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