Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Ties between ANAS and Ministry of Communication and High Technologies expands
03.06.2014 00:00
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Ties between ANAS and Ministry of Communication and High Technologies expands

Minister of Communication and High Technologies acad. Ali Abbasov visited ANAS Institute of Control Systems.

Director of the Institute, acad. Telman Aliyev informed about research works, obtained achievements, patents, articles published in influential journals abroad, projects proposed by the institute, conducted devices etc.

He became acquainted with the work of “Robust Noise Monitoring“ station network (RNM ASP) created in the institute for the monitoring of abnormal seismic processes.

Ali Abbasov has proposed to design joint effort projects among Ministry of Communications and High Technology -SOCAR-ANAS and to conduct devices for the massive industrial park facilities.

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