Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.12.2018 12:19
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The scientific session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Rasim Afandiyev held

The scientific session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Rasim Afandiyev held

ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art held a scientific session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of prominent researcher-scientist Rasim Afandiyev at on December 26.

Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, correspondent member of ANAS Salamzade Artegin spoke about the valuable contribution of the scientist to the development of culture and art of Azerbaijan, his high human qualities, as well as the way he traveled. The main direction of research of the academician was devoted to the scientific problems of the visual and decorative-applied arts of Azerbaijan. For more than 14 years he was an organizer of science, being the director of the Institute of Architecture and Art.

Academician-Secretary of the Division of Humanitarian Scienses, academician Karimli Teymur noted that, Rasim Afandiyev was an active participant in the scientific, cultural and social life of Azerbaijan. Thanks to the scientist, almost all types of arts and crafts have become known in the scientific world.

During the event, were delivered papers by A.Salamzade on “Academician Rasim Afandiyev: a scientist and organizer of science” and head of the Department of the Institute of Architecture and Art, assistant professor Sadigova Aida on “Historian of Art Studies Rasim Afandiyev”.

The reports noted that, academician Rasim Afandiyev was the author of 230 scientific papers, including 30 books. Monographs of the scientist contributed to the historical development of Azerbaijani art. He adequately represented the art history of Azerbaijan in a number of international conferences and symposia. Academician R. Efendiyev was awarded the Order “Shohrat” of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In conclusion of the conference, speaking on behalf of the family Ph.D. in Art Togrul Efendiyev thanked the organizers and participants of the event for the deep respect and reverence for the memory of the father.

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