Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.04.2019 09:09
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Science Day at Institute of Botany

Science Day at Institute of Botany

An “Open Door” event was held at the Institute of Botany of ANAS on Science Day. The opening ceremony was attended by numerous guests, representatives of various institutes of ANAS, as well as professor-student of Baku State University, Baku European lyceum.

First, the deputy director on scientific affairs of the institute, Dr. in biology Eldar Novruzov welcomed the participants and congratulated them on the Day of Science.

Then, the director of the institute, academician Valida Alizadeh spoke about this as a remarkable event for the Azerbaijani scientific community and underlined the special role of science in the development of society.

Scientific-practical seminar on "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use" was organized by the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of the Institute of Botany of ANAS. Besides, an exhibition and a video clip reflecting the scientific activity of the institute was demonstrated.

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