Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.04.2019 16:59
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The presentation of the book "Garabagh: Our Great Homeland"

The presentation of the book "Garabagh: Our Great Homeland"

The presentation of the book "Garabagh: Our Great Homeland" by the Head of the Department of Stone Age Archeology of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography (IAE) of ANAS, doctor of history, professor Asadulla Jafarov was held.

Opening ceremony at the Electronic Hall of the Institute of Literature academician Isa Habibbayli, vice-president of ANAS, emphasized A. Jafarov's important services in the development of Azerbaijan archeology, including the archaeological culture of Karabakh. He noted that the academic publication was dedicated to the results of the archaeological research conducted in Karabakh for many years.

Academician gave information about the work stating its important for our history.

The event was also attended by IAE Director, Doctor of Historical Sciences Maisa Rahimova, corresponding members of ANAS - Aminaga Sadigov, Shahbaz Muradov, Vali Aliyev, professors - Farahim Sadigov, Shahin Fazil and others.

In the end, A. Jafarov addressed the organizers and participants of the event with gratitude.

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