Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


An international scientific conference on "Legal Responsibility" was held
30.04.2019 09:19
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An international scientific conference on "Legal Responsibility" was held

An international scientific conference on "Legal Responsibility" was held jointly by the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, the Law Faculty of the Ozyegin University of Turkey and the Bar Association.

The conference was organized in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's Decree dated April 10, 2019 "On the 150th anniversary of the birth of prominent publicist and criticist, well-known lawyer and orientalist scientist Ahmed bey Agaoglu".

Director of the Institute for Law and Human Rights, Professor Ayten Mustafazadeh informed about legal responsibility for various aspects of the legal system, as well as legislative acts, criminal and civil liability that regulate existing problems in this area, including artificial intelligence and medicine, which are relevant in our country and in the international arena.

Then, chairman of the Bar Association's Disciplinary Commission, Shahmar Mammadov, spoke about the role of lawyers in the legal system, the work done to protect rights and the need to apply legal responsibility.

Dean of the Law Faculty of Ozyegin University, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor Yener Unver stressed that the conference will play an important role in expanding scientific cooperation between Azerbaijani and Turkish lawyers. He spoke about the existing legal responsibility in Turkey.

The conference continued with section sessions.

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