Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.05.2019 09:43
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II Special Department held workshop at the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory

II Special Department held workshop at the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory

ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after N.Tusi (ShAO) held a workshop of the heads of the civil defense headquarters of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, organized by the II Special Department of the Presidium of ANAS.

ShAO Director, corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov opened the event, informed the participants about the agenda. Providing information on the organization and current status of civil defense in ShAO, N.Jalilov said that, work here focuses on training on civil defense, employees of the organization regularly participate in seminars on emergency situations, primary medical care and other issues.

In turn, head of the Department Eldar Guliyev noted that, workshop, trainings and other activities on civil defense are organized in accordance with the “Law on Civil Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 25, 1998 “On ensuring civil defense” and the recommendations of the AR Ministry of Emergency Situations.

E.Guliyev noted that, the headquarters of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS are regularly informed on the rules of conduct in emergency situations that may occur. He said that, it was necessary to know how to use individual and collective means of protection, to learn the basic methods of protection against emergency situations, to observe the rules of behavior in extreme situations and to adopt and apply the rules of primary health care.

During the seminar, head of the Department of the ShAO, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Janmamad Rustamov delivered a report.

Then, chief specialist of the Department Oktay Farzaliyev informed the participants of the event on the verification of the state of Civil Defense in ShAO. O.Farzaliyev noted that, according to the final results of the inspection, Civil Defense in ShAO will be conducted in accordance with the Action Plan for 2019.

In conclusion, a number of current issues were discussed.

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