Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Congratulations on the Nargiz Akhundova’s 60th jubilee!
06.08.2019 09:01
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Congratulations on the Nargiz Akhundova’s 60th jubilee!

On August 7, the scientist-historian, academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, academician Nargiz Akhundova is 60th.

Academician Nargiz Akhundova was born on August 7, 1959 in Baku. She graduated with honors from the Arab Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of BSU. In 1987 she defended PhD on "The Role of Islam in the Political Life of the Syrian Arab Republic (1963-1981). And in 2007 she defended doctoral dissertation on “The Role of the Turks in the Military-Political Structure of the Abbasid Caliphate”. In 2011, she was awarded the academician title of Professor, in 2014 she was elected as a corresponding member of ANAS and in 2017 she was elected as an activer member of ANAS.

Nargiz Akhundova, who began her career as a teacher of Arabic at Azerbaijan State University in 1981 was a graduate student in the faculty of history in 1983-1986. 1986-2012 - Senior laboratory assistant, Professor, associate professor, Professor of the Department of Asian and African History, Baku State University. In 2012, she worked as a leading researcher, head of the Department of Medieval History of the Institute of History after A.Bakikhanov ANAS.

Academician Nargiz Akhundova successfully continues work as an academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS since 2015. She is the author of more than 120 scientific papers on pressing problems of medieval history, including 4 monographs and 6 textbooks. She studied various aspects of medieval history, mainly Arab-Turkic relations from the rise of the caliphate to its political collapse, as well as the management system of the Turkic empires that existed at different periods of history, the war of Turkic peoples and states.

The scientist successfully presented the history of Azerbaijan at a number of international conferences and symposium. N.Akhundova also plays an important role in the training of highly qualified personnel. Under her leadership were trained about 10 Doctors of PhD sciences.

Nargiz Akhundova is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of History of ANAS, the Presidium of the Higher Certification Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. She is a member of the editorial board of a number of national and international scientific journals.

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