Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.08.2019 09:43
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Japanese researcher studies obsidian instruments of the Neolithic era of Azerbaijan

Japanese researcher studies obsidian instruments of the Neolithic era of Azerbaijan

Fumika Ikeyama, a researcher on stone processing technology at the University of Tokyo conducted an analysis of numerous obsidian tools found in the Neolithic monuments of Azerbaijan and kept at the Archaeological Fund of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS.

The main goal was to study the technology of stone tools made by the ancient population of the Neolithic period in Azerbaijan and to identify similar and distinctive features of stone processing technology of the Neolithic era in the South Caucasus and Asia. Objects founded in the Goytapa, Hajialamkhanli and Damcili monuments were used in research.

The Japanese explorer F.Ikeyama was one of the participants in the Azerbaijani-Japanese international archaeological expedition in July-August 2019 on the eastern slopes of Mount Avei in the Damjily camp.

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