Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


An exchange of views was held on the state registration of a number of archeological monuments in Imishli and Saatli districts
02.03.2022 09:58
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An exchange of views was held on the state registration of a number of archeological monuments in Imishli and Saatli districts

In order to compile and approve a new list of real historical and cultural monuments registered in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the implementation of the "State Program for the restoration, protection, improvement and development of historical and cultural reserves for 2014-2020" work is underway.

For this purpose, the head of the sector of the collection of archeological monuments of Azerbaijan of the Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS,  Mikayil Mustafayev and Yusif Huseynov, leading consultant of the Salyan Regional Department of the State Service for Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture, Mir Elchin Umudov, guard of monuments in Imishli and Saatli regions, and Albaba Aliyev. hill mounds, Giziltepe, Mukhortepe monuments), as well as cultural samples in Saatli area (Jafarkhan necropolis, Azadkend necropolis, I, II and III Garalar necropolises) were re-examined. Problems in the registration of monuments were discussed, opinions were prepared on the archeological monuments to be registered, and views were exchanged for the state registration of newly identified archeological monuments in the regions.

Given the lack of relevant research and archeological excavations at a number of these monuments, especially in the Saatli region, the importance of starting this process was stressed.

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