Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.08.2019 09:48
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Azerbaijani-Italian International Archaeological Expedition research kurgans in Ganja and Goranboy

Azerbaijani-Italian International Archaeological Expedition research kurgans in Ganja and Goranboy

Azerbaijani-Italian International Archaeological Expedition has begun research in Ganja and Goranboy on August 19. Bakhtiyar Jalilov, head of a sector at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the ANAS, is the co-chair of the international expedition from Azerbaijan and Nicola Laneri, Professor of Catania University and head of Religious researches Department of Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, is the co-chair from the Italian side. The international expedition includes CAMNES experts who have conducted archaeological research in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Syria, Cyprus, Israel and Georgia - Dr. Stefano Valentini, Dr. Guido Guarducci, Ceramic Specialist at the University of Venice, Dr. Lorenzo Crescioli, restaurateur Karen Abend, as well as professor at University of Hacettepe, Turkey, bio-archaeologist Yilmaz Selim Erdal, bioanthropologist at the University of Lyon-2, Dr. Modwene Poulmarc’h.

An international expedition carried out a preliminary survey of kurgans in Garadagly village of Goranboy district.

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