Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


27.08.2019 14:11
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Medicinal plants have been explored in Hirkan National Park

Medicinal plants have been explored in Hirkan National Park

Employees of the Institute of Dendrology of ANAS made a scientific trip to Hirkan National Park.

Head of the Laboratory of the Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zumrud Mammadova, Head of Herbari and Seed Laboratory, phd in biology, Assoc. Minara Hasanova and other employees attended the event.

Researchers have researched medicinal plants found in Hirkan National Park. During the observations, species of the female genus Rubus L. were also studied.

The morphological and biological characteristics of the species studied, the range of distribution and the phagocytosis of the species were identified. Observations were conducted to study the biological characteristics of species.

Herbarium samples collected from the area during the expedition included to the foundation.

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