Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS Ganja Division held a meeting with the Consul General of Georgia
12.09.2019 13:43
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ANAS Ganja Division held a meeting with the Consul General of Georgia

ANAS Ganja Division held a meeting with the newly appointed Consul General of Georgia to Ganja Nikoloz Iashvili.

Chairman of the Division, academician Fuad Aliyev congratulated on his appointment as Consul at Azerbaijan's Second Industrial and Cultural Center and wished him success in his diplomatic career.

F.Aliyev informed the Georgian diplomat on the structure and activities of the Ganja Division, the modern scientific potential of the ancient city and the ongoing scientific ties between our countries.

Stressing that, Ganja has developed over the centuries as a center of science and culture, Fuad Aliyev noted on the ancient historical monuments and numerous museums in the city.

He spoke on the main scientific achievements at ANAS Division in recent years and fundamental research, successes in the field of social and human sciences. The importance of the participation of Georgian scholars in archaeological research in Ganja was emphasized.

Academician F.Aliyev noted the proclamation of an independent Azerbaijani state in Tbilisi a clear example of friendship between the two countries.

Georgian Consul General to Ganja Nikoloz Yashvili said that, he has extensive information about Azerbaijan and Ganja. Stressing the importance of scientific ties, the diplomat stated that, he was interested in closer participation of Georgian scientists in international conferences, symposia and other scientific events.

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