Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.09.2022 11:15
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Azerbaijani and Uzbek scientists to conduct joint research in the field of innovative development

Azerbaijani and Uzbek scientists to conduct joint research in the field of innovative development

The points of the “Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, signed during the Uzbek-Azerbaijani Business Forum, which was held in Tashkent in June this year, are being implemented. For this purpose, the director of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry Abdulaziz Abduvaliyev and the head of the Geophysics and Nanomineralogy Department of the High Technology Center of the Ministry Ilkhom Alimukhammad visited Azerbaijan, who held a number of meetings with the leadership of ANAS.

Vice-president of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev received guests at the Main building of the Academy of Sciences on September 16.

Noting that applied sciences have become a priority area in the modern period, academician Ibrahim Guliyev said that 20-30% of the research conducted on the basis of world experience is purely fundamental, the rest is mainly applied. Speaking about the importance of our countries joining this trend, the vice-president noted that the demand for scientific products in the local and world market, state orders and applied research is expanding when the private sector's interest in this issue increases.

Focusing on the problem of the reduction of water resources in the world, academician Ibrahim Guliyev noted that the cultivation of new plant varieties that are drought tolerant and less demanding for irrigation is one of the main priorities and also emphasized the need to re-evaluate water resources based on new technologies.

Noting that the other priority is the exploration of mineral deposits, the scientist noted that these works have always been carried out in Azerbaijan and noted the importance of conducting activities in the field of innovative development on the basis of joint cooperation with science and industrial enterprises, the private sector, the ministries of the country.

Speaking at the meeting, director of the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan associate professor Abdulaziz Abduvaliyev thanked academician Ibrahim Guliyev for the warm welcome and gave detailed information about the innovative policy carried out in his country. He noted that the basis of this policy is the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, innovative activities cover the regions of the country. Stressing that up to 60% of the population of Uzbekistan consists of young able-bodied people, the guest noted that the measures taken are aimed at creating employment and new jobs. Noting that the government is facing the task of preventing the outflow of young personnel from the country, Abdulaziz Abdullayev said that relevant instructions were given to all government agencies in this direction, as well as the Ministry of Innovative Development set the task of directing innovations to the regions of the country, opening companies offering new products and services based on innovative resources, for this purpose, he stressed the opening of branches of the ministry in all regions.

Noting that the protection of water resources in the regions of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, is the main task, the director of the center noted that growing new economically profitable and drought-resistant crops is a priority issue in the field of agriculture and in general, stressed the importance of reducing the country's dependence on imports.

Then Abdulaziz Abduvaliyev spoke about cooperation between the two countries in the field of scientometrics. For this purpose, the guest expressed his familiarization with the Turkish experience and put forward a proposal to create a Turkey-Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Consortium for the development of scientometrics, evaluation, publication of scientific works and placement in prestigious scientific bases. The parties noted the importance of using TUBITAK's experience in this area.

The meeting also discussed the issues of conducting independent scientific examinations, improving the activities of expert groups, expanding expert bases and involving foreign scientists in this process, improving the activities of Higher Attestation commissions and meeting modern standards. Academician Ibrahim Guliyev stressed the importance of joint activities of all turkic states in this direction.

Head of the Geophysics and Nanomineralogy Department of the High Technologies Center of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Alimukhammed and head of the International Scientific Cooperation Department of the Presidium of ANAS, associate professor Esmira Alirzayeva also attended the event. Informing about the meetings held at the Republican Seismological Service Center of ANAS and the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education, Ilkhom Alimukhammed noted that the upcoming tasks and prospects for cooperation in the direction of innovative development were discussed with the heads of scientific institutions.

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