Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.10.2019 14:36
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Seismologist scientist Ismet Gasimov’s 80th anniversary

Seismologist scientist Ismet Gasimov’s 80th anniversary

Anniversary of the head of Shamakhi seismic station of the National Seismological Survey Center of ANAS, Ismet Gasimov’s 80th anniversary was celebrated in Shamakhi District Executive Power.

The event was attended by ANAS vice-president, academician Ibrahim Guliyev, academic - secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, general director of RSSC, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli, head of Shamakhi District Executive Power and other officials.

Speaking at the anniversary, Yetirmishli and T. Mammadov spoke about the scientist’s role and merits in the development of seismology in Azerbaijan.

Further, I. Gasimov was awarded the Honorary Order and gift by the Division of Earth Sciences for his activity.

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