Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.10.2019 15:42
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ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes after acad. Yusif Mammadaliyev has a glorious history in the past 90 years

ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes after acad. Yusif Mammadaliyev has a glorious history in the past 90 years

On October 2, the Circular assembly Hall of the ANAS Main building hosted the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after acad. Yusif Mammadaliyev.

Firstly, participants of the event visited the grave of national leader Heydar Aliyev and academician Yusif Mammadaliyev at the First Alley of Honor and laid wreaths and flowers in front of the graves.

Opening the meeting, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh said that the event was held in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's Order dated March 11, 2019 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Yusif Mammadaliyev.

Academician A. Alizadeh spoke about the scientific directions of the institute, valuable contributions to the development of oil and chemical chemistry in the country during its existence. He said that the organization was established in 1929 as the first Azerbaijan Oil Research Institute on the basis of the Central Chemical Laboratory of the Azneft Production Association, and since 1959 it was renamed the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. The scientists of the Institute are mainly devoted to the study of Azerbaijani oil, the development of scientific bases of efficient processing for the production of high quality fuels and oils, the creation of new technologies and catalysts for petrochemical and oil refining processes.

Over 90 years of activity, fundamental researches on catalysis, organic chemistry, chemistry of high-molecular compounds, physical-chemical and petrochemical synthesis were conducted in the organization.

Academician Akif Alizadeh congratulated the staff of the institute on the occasion of jubilee and wished them great successes in further activities.

Later on, director of the institute acad. Vagif Abbasov delivered a lecture on topic "The 90-year-old road to science's peaks" He told about the history of the establishment of his enterprise, the stages of development, research work done here, important results achieved and the outstanding scientists who have played an important role in the development of the institute. He said that the organization, which was launched in 1929, was the main center of research in the country in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry. Thirty years later, three institutes were united and the Institute of Petrochemical Processes was established. The scientist said that one of the three institutes was Oil Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan which led by genius Yusif Mammadaliyev. “The celebrated scientist Yusif Mammadaliyev occupies a special place in the history of the institute. It is no coincide that, the extraction of a high-octane component of the jet fuel by the scientist had been awarded the USSR State Prizes”, he noted.

Ivan Gutt, Matvei Kapelyushnikov, Tahira Tahirova, Nikolay Lutsenko, Haji Hashimov, Yusif Mammadaliyev, Vahab Aliyev, Murtuza Nagiyev and Musa Rustamov have been directors of the institute since its establishment. These scholars have not only created great scientific schools but have also succeeded in introducing science to industry. Among the founders of the institute's honorable history are academicians Izzet Orujova, Rustam Ismailov, Ali Guliyev, Soltan Mehdiyev, Bahadur Zeynalov, Maharram Mammadyarov, Togrul Shakhtakhtinski, Nadir Seyidov, Sahib Aliyev, Ayaz Afandiyev, Akif Azizov, Vagif Farzaliyev, Dilgam Taghiyev, Ramiz Rizayev, Azhdar Majidov, corresponding members of ANAS Majid Mardanov, Bilal Dadashov, Nazil Janybeyov, Fazila Samadova, Nazim Huseynov, Hafiz Alimardanov, Ziyafaddin Asadov and others, stated academician.

V. Abbasov said that during this time the institute had achieved a number of important scientific results. He noted that the first high-octane gasoline in the USSR, technology of obtaining several types of jet fuel from Baku oil, the process of dehydration of the USSR, as well as catalytic cracking process used today, are the results of the institute.

Noting that the first rocket fuel was proposed by ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, the scientist brought to the attention the scientific results of the institute - a multifunctional corrosion inhibitor, which has been used in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan since 1983, the Azerbaijan inhibitor technology, which was sold to the Russian Federation under license in 1988, technology for producing superplasticizer, which surpasses its analogues, the latest modern technology for the production of liquid rubber, technology for producing fuel for light diesel ship engines, technology for the production of "white naphthalan oil", which is unique in the world. He said that, the scientists of the institute were awarded the 6 state Prize of the USSR and 4 Azerbaijan State award.

Speaking about the achievements of the Institute in recent years, V.Abbasov noted that, ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes closely cooperates with scientific research and higher educational institutions of the republic. He said that, research on the scientific directions of the institute will be started in the future.

On behalf of the Institute team, V.Abbasov thanked AR President Ilham Aliyev for his attention to the glorious history of the Institute and the leadership of ANAS for the solemn organization of the anniversary event.

Speaking at the event, SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev said that the history of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes is closely related to the development of the ancient oil and gas industry of Azerbaijan.

He noted that, today the Institute, which has made a significant contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry is known in the Caspian region for its high scientific potential, modern knowledge and specialists with extensive experience. SOCAR highly appreciates the cooperation with the Institute of Petrochemical Processes after Y.Mammadaliyev. Cooperation between Institute of Petrochemical Processes and the Baku Higher Oil School of SOCAR is also successful. Students conduct research in the laboratories of the Institute, listen the lectures by leading scientists in chemistry and conduct laboratory classes.

Then, Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov brought to the attention that the Institute of Petrochemical Processes has greatly contributed to the oil strategy, established by the national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully developed by AR President Ilham Aliyev. The Institute successfully works in the field of integration of science and education, and prepares highly qualified personnel for universities and the manufacturing industry.

Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized that, the Institute’s scientists are actively developing textbooks and teaching tool for secondary education and universities. Directly under their editorship 28 textbooks and 52 study guides were published: “Over the years of independence, the authors of chemistry textbooks for all grades were the Director of ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, academician Vagif Abbasov and the staff of the Institute. Since 2003, the scientific journal "Chemistry at School", published in jointly with this scientific institution and the Institute of Education and are serve as a useful reference for teachers and students".

The event was attended by vice-president of ANAS, academician Dilgam Taghiyev, Director of the Museum and Center for Noosphere Protection after academician N.D.Zelinski, Professor Andrey Zelinski, Rector of Igdir University, Mehmet Hakki Alma, rector of Baku State University Elchin Babayev, rector of Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Professor Mustafa Babanli.

The speakers congratulated the staff of the scientific institution on the 90th anniversary and wished them success in future research.

At the event, reports were delivered in the following sections - “Actual problems of oil refining, oil shale, associated gases and natural gas”, “Prospective directions of petrochemical synthesis, computer chemistry”, “Green chemistry” in solving environmental and energy problems”,“Actual problems agrochemistry and pharmacology”,“Nanotechnology”, etc.

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