Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.10.2019 10:10
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Book "Ülvi gəncliyin sirləri" published

Book "Ülvi gəncliyin sirləri" published

The book "Ülvi gəncliyin sirləri" by Konul Bunyadzadeh, head of the Department of ANAS Institute of Philosophy, correspondent member of ANAS has been published.

Opening the event, vice-rector for Science and Innovations of the Institute, PhD in Theology Akil Shirinov said that, a new publication is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the young poet-martyr Ulvi Bunyadzadeh.

Then, Konul Bunyadzadeh spoke, who said that the main idea of the book was to comment on the wisdom of the youth stage of human life. She noted that, in his youth he studied the possibilities of his soul and body, realizing his connection with the divine world and making this his own fateful choice.

This work gives a philosophical interpretation of the importance of youth on the basis of the life and work of prophets, generals, historical figures, poets and mythical heroes who left a deep mark in history scientist added.

Then, K.Bunyadzadeh responded the students' questions and presented them her autographed books.

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