Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.10.2019 18:26
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Important issues were discussed at the meeting of the Terminology Commission

Important issues were discussed at the meeting of the Terminology Commission

On October 8, at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ANAS, a meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, which is part of the Terminology Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was held.

Opening the meeting, chairman of the division academician Ahliman Amiraslanov acquainted the participants with the issues on the agenda. The scientist noted that President Ilham Aliyev pays great attention to the development and preservation of the purity of the Azerbaijani language and the Terminology Commission plays a big role in the successful continuation of this political course. He stressed the importance of developing terminological dictionaries related to various fields of science, both in terms of increasing the effectiveness of research and enriching the language.

Noting that there is a serious need to review the composition of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of the Terminology Commission, A. Amiraslanov said that a petition will be raised in this connection to the Presidium of ANAS.

The scientist once again drew attention to the need for a comprehensive discussion of all terminological problems and the adoption of scientifically sound decisions with the participation of relevant specialists. He said that the transfer of information on such terminological issues to the press and social networks prior to discussions with the Terminology Commission could have negative consequences. He also emphasized the need for serious work in research institutes to solve the terminological problems of science.

Then the deputy chairman of the Terminology Commission, Dr. Philology, Professor Sayali Sadigova said that the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS is always careful about the problems of scientific terminology. The scientist said that works such as The Explanatory Dictionary of Military Medical Terms and the Dictionary of Oncology Terms published by the Terminology Commission in recent years are a valuable contribution to the medical science of Azerbaijan.

S. Sadigova also spoke about the principles of work of the Terminological Commission, the requirements for terminology. She touched upon a number of controversial issues regarding animal names and terms that should be included in the information system on the “Taxonomic spectrum of the fauna of Azerbaijan (vertebrates)” presented by the ANAS Institute of Zoology.

The director of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, PhD in physics, associate professor Elman Yusifov also spoke at the event.

The scientist informed about the work of specialists from the Institute of Zoology, Baku State University, the Institute of Bioresources of the Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS, as well as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources to solve problems accumulated in connection with the taxonomy, species composition, names of animals and birds of vertebrate fauna in Azerbaijan. He spoke about the importance of adopting a document that was prepared as a result of research and discussion during the year.

ANAS vice-president director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology academician Irada Huseynova, director of the Institute of Botany Academician Valida Alizadeh, head Department of Baku State University ANAS corresponding member Elshad Gurbanov, head Laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ANAS corresponding member Ilham Shahmuradov, as well as other scientists put forward their suggestions and shared their thoughts.

At the end of the meeting, academician A. Amiraslanov proposed the creation of a working group consisting of relevant individuals and linguists to review the “Taxonomic spectrum of the Azerbaijani fauna (vertebrates)”.

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